Is there a God?

Created Date: 22-Oct-2018

There has to be a God

Last updated: 27-May-2020

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1 Preface 2 Living Cells
3 Electricity, Dirt and Amino Acids 4 Human Being's Amazing Design
5 Evolution? 6 An Exhaustible List


This topic is a starting place with links to more explanations that should erase the doubt of anything to do with living creatures and even the entire universe happening by chance without a creator.  Even if the reader doesn't believe in the Christian explanation, there still has to be a non-causality entity that exists without a beginning and has no ending.

There are two paramount, illogical assertions made against the existence of God.  The two assertions are from those who believe in evolution and potentially aliens from other planets to have caused life along with the perfectly balanced environment on Earth that sustains life.

  1. The first of the two paramount problems is evolution and even aliens, cannot explain the creation of the very simplest aspects of a simple cell, let alone the more complex aspects of consciousness, self-awareness, thinking, senses and emotions.  Aliens, from another place in the universe, have the same problem of how they were created without an external creator.
  2. The second of the two paramount problems that an atheist overlooks is life, in the simplest forms of a living Cell, could not have come out of electricity hitting matter.  Even with electricity hitting inert dirt, an external influence adding information to organize matter into a living Cell is still required.  This theory was first proposed by Stanley Miller in 1953 where he was able to produce some simple amino acids under carefully controlled conditions which excluded oxygen because oxygen destroys organic compounds.
There is insurmountable evidence for a creator, that cannot be summarized with the few sections in this topic, but these are enough to open the mind of skeptics.
The following is an excerpt from the topic on Suffering:

On November 29, 2023, I saw an interesting video, that I didn't see the author's name to give credit for his brilliant comments about people blaming God for death and suffering along with other people stating there is no god because there is death and suffering in the world.  (If the author is known, please send me an email.)  

In the short video, paraphrasing to the best of my memory, the man stated:

Atheists state "they don't believe in God because there is so much death and suffering in the world". 

A Godly man replies "Okay since you believe there is no God, then whose fault is it that there is so much death and suffering in the world?". 

The Atheist answers the question "we are to blame for the death and suffering.

The Godly man then rhetorically replies "Is it possible that God is mad at us for causing all the death and suffering?"

In this previous hypothetical correspondence between an Atheist and a Christian, the final question is meant to lead to two additional points:

  1. God is not to blame for death and suffering.
  2. God selected Jesus Christ to provide a way for someone to be with God in eternity by the payment of our transgressions that we all do that cause death and suffering.  The payment is a free gift that only requires an individual to claim it by asking Jesus Christ to be their personal Savior.

Living Cells

Unfortunately, in the curriculum taught in the education systems, we are not exposed to the true complexities of the cells in our bodies and one cell organisms.  A Cell is a manufacturing masterpiece that is more complex, skillfully designed and unmatched by anything designed by human beings. 

To name just a few amazing abilities of cells:

One of this author's favorite comparison examples is given by Chuck Missler who speaks about the most advanced automobile manufacturing facilities on earth.  In one location of the facility, raw materials are delivered to mold steel, make paint, build engines, form tires and so much more, which may contain over 100 miles of rails to deliver the materials by trains, along with assembly processing centers.  The facility is a marvelous engineering masterpiece and yet it pales in comparison to the design, abilities and complexities of a single cell.

Electricity, Dirt and Amino Acids

There is a theory which has been proposed with the belief that electricity from a lightning bolt, hit some inert dirt and then created amino acids to start the process of creating life.  Amino acids are part of the building blocks of cells, where many evolutionists believe that this was how life began.  This theory has been tested and actually was capable of creating some basic amino acid groups.  The initial testing of this theory is known as the Miller-Urey experiment, where the process is in a controlled environment that oxygen is removed because oxygen will prevent the process as oxygen destroys organic compounds.  

Excerpt from Evolution topic:

A general summary of Evolution states that a specific kind of inert dirt or mud, through possibly a lightening bolt, struck the dirt to turn the dirt into an amino acid, where the amino acid bonded with other amino acids to become proteins.  The proteins then had additional bonding with other proteins, amino acids and dirt to construct themselves into a living cell which contains: a cell wall, food absorbing, food processing, waste disposal, counter measures to protect the cell's health and so much more.  With additional energy from X-ray and UV radiation, the cell then duplicates itself into more and more cells to eventually form bacteria and micro-organisms.  These micro-organisms then bonded with other micro-organisms to create more efficient and complex organisms that eventually over time change into all the known life forms on the Earth.  All along the process, the life forms being created, design new features (or take from other life forms through mating) and add them in the next reproduction to make more and more complex new creations.

One problem of many to consider is even if amino acids could be created by a bolt of lightning and dirt, then how do the amino acids organize inside of the inert dirt to form proteins, which then bind with more amino acids and dirt or mud to then create one cell organism which are capable of sustaining itself.  Additionally, how would two of these cells locate each other and then decide to share responsibilities for a superior organism.

In a further more complex example to consider is a human being's blood contains Hemoglobin, which has the responsibility to transport oxygen.   Hemoglobin contains 574 amino acids types, where the question is how did these different types get created without an external influence.

Human Being's Amazing Design

Human Beings are an engineering masterpiece of design.  These are some of the features that could not be the result of accident and chance:

  1. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) code contains a 3 out of 4 error correcting, self-replicating code.
  2. DNA consisting of over 3 billion elements that are responsible for constructing / manufacturing all parts of our body.
  3. DNA uses over 200 proteins, where each protein is involving +/- 3,000 atoms in 3 Dimensional configurations with a defined alphabet of 20 amino acids.
  4. Proteins that are part of the mechanics in a living Cell have four steps:
    (a) an enzyme docks to the chromosome and slides along the gene, transcribing the sequence on one strand of DNA into a single strand of RNA;
    (b) Introns, the none coding parts of the transcript are taken out so that the remainder makes a "messenger Ribonucleic acid (RNA)";
    (c) the RNA moves out of the nucleus to the main part of a Cell to allow molecular machines to create chains of amino acids which are required for becoming proteins;
    (d) the proteins chains twists and folds into an intricate three dimensional shape for creation of a new Cell.

This required skillful design that could not have happened by chance over time.  It requires a person to not be intellectually honest with themselves to believe these four points of many happened by chance and did not require design.


This list is a small excerpt from the topic on evolution, on why evolution is not possible:

  1. It ignores the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which can be paraphrased as "All things are subject to decay over time."  In other words, if something is always decaying then how it is evolving into something better?  A simple example could be your desk, your closet of clothes, your kitchen where over time will become disorderly and require energy (a person working that is external) and knowledge (external information) to organize it to being clean and efficient along with adding enhancements.
  2. The Interdependence of life and the complexity of life that could be jokingly describe as "which came first?  The Chicken or the Egg", has no other possible explanation other than the creator design and built the creation at the same time to enable the interdependence of creatures that require other creatures, along with visa-versa. 
    (a) A quick example is the interdependence of plants and animals.  Trees and plants produce oxygen but require carbon dioxide.  Animals, and other types of sources, produce carbon dioxide but they require oxygen.  Animals eat plants and required the plants to be around first.  If animals did not "arrive" then the plants would eventually run out of Carbon Dioxide as the Earth does not make enough Carbon Dioxide for all the plant life in the world.  
    (b) On the complexity of life consider the Giraffe with the blood pressure problems because of the length of the neck which require special valves to keep blood pressure equally distributed when the head is raised or lowered.  When the head is raised, the blood pressure has to be increased to get blood to the brain, which becomes deadly when the head is lowered.  The question to ask oneself is did the Giraffe have knowledge to add blood valves with elastic veins inside the neck to prevent an explosion from the blood pressure when the neck is lowered?  Did the enhancements and mistakes in gaining the long neck somehow get passed on to future Giraffes to not try again? Jokingly, we have to realize that "Dead Animals do not Evolve to pass on knowledge of mistakes."
  3. The Digital Language of life is everywhere.  An example is DNA, which is a digital language / code.  All life is digitally defined to reproduce after its kind and not create something else.
  4. Darwin cannot explain the Origin of Life because he cannot explain the Origin of Information that was required.  Irreducible complexity argues and refutes the ability for random acts and chance to have created anything.  Information by a Designer is required.

An Inexhaustible List

  1. Everything we know that exists is Contingent upon something before it to have reproduced it, which means everything came from something else.  All life was caused by a predecessor and all materials and energy had a creation.  There has to be a none-contingent Being that started it all.  This is often called the Cosmological Argument.
  2. From Wikipedia:
    "In natural theology, a cosmological argument is an argument in which the existence of a unique being, generally identified with or referred to as God, is deduced or inferred as highly probable from facts or alleged facts concerning causation, change, motion, contingency, or finitude in respect of the universe as a whole or processes within it.  It is traditionally known as an argument from universal causation, an argument from first cause, or the causal argument. Whichever term is employed, there are three basic variants of the argument, each with subtle yet important distinctions: the arguments from in causa (causality), in esse (essentiality), and in fieri (becoming). The basic premise of all of these is the concept of causality and of a First Cause. The history of this argument goes back to Aristotle or earlier.."
  3. Big Bang?  It is the theory that first there was nothing, then Singularity came into existence, where Singularity exploded to create the universe.
    (a) This is like stating that "First there was nothing, then nothing created something and then something exploded". 
    (b) There are two problems that are logically asked. 
    (b.1) What caused something (large Mass in Singularity) to come into existence when nothing existed before and then what caused the explosion?  
    (b.2) If the Singularity or Mass existed, then a Force had that was separate from the Mass, had to come against it to cause it to explode.  What was the Force and where did the Force come from?
  4. We know that all machines start simple, and through enhancement by engineers over time, are made to make the machine more efficient and productive.  The Engineers are an external influence to the machine.  Additionally, machines that are improved upon, often require new types of parts. 
    (a) Can any machine improve itself alone without an external influence? 
    (b) Is life any different from machines designed by man which required a designer? 
    (c) If any biological being requires the ability to change into something more complex then external intelligent design principles have to be exerted. 
    (d) Every science relinquishes disputes to anything getting more advanced on its own to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics with the exception of Biology. 
    (e) Contrary to science fiction, when applying radiation or any type of accidental external energy, to biological creatures in the hopes of beneficial mutation, the results has always been detrimental.  Radiation always destroys cells where there is the example of its use in cancer treatment.
  5. We learned from Einstein's famous E=mc˛ equation, that energy and matter are parts in the equation along with the speed of light.  Energy can somewhat be described as sort of a "frozen" state of matter.  There many complexities in the design of the universe and the laws of science. 
    (a) The question is how did it get balanced or designed?  Was it an accident? 
    (b) Scientist from both sides of the "god arguments" talk about the universe eventually dying from a heat death, which is very detailed in the explanation how this happens, but basically it is when all Energy is spent.  The question is what "winded up the clock of the universe to have the energy, fuel and materials in the first place?". 
  6. One of this author's favorite sources of external quotes that defend the side of God is Paul Davies.  Here are my two favorites:
    "There is for me powerful evidence that there is something going on behind it all... It seems as though somebody has fine tuned nature's numbers to make the Universe... the impression of design is overwhelming."
    (b) Note that Paul mentions the Big Bang, where this author does not believe in it as discussed in the Big Bang topic.  None-the-less, Paul superbly describes the problem that cannot be overcome without a Creator.
    Scientists are slowly waking up to an inconvenient truth - the universe looks suspiciously like a fix. The issue concerns the very laws of nature themselves. For 40 years, physicists and cosmologists have been quietly collecting examples of all too convenient "coincidences" and special features in the underlying laws of the universe that seem to be necessary in order for life, and hence conscious beings, to exist. Change any one of them and the consequences would be lethal. Fred Hoyle, the distinguished cosmologist, once said it was as if "a super-intellect has monkeyed with physics".

    To see the problem, imagine playing God with the cosmos. Before you is a designer machine that lets you tinker with the basics of physics. Twiddle this knob and you make all electrons a bit lighter, twiddle that one and you make gravity a bit stronger, and so on. It happens that you need to set thirty something knobs to fully describe the world about us. The crucial point is that some of those metaphorical knobs must be tuned very precisely, or the universe would be sterile.

    Example: neutrons are just a tad heavier than protons. If it were the other way around, atoms couldn't exist, because all the protons in the universe would have decayed into neutrons shortly after the big bang. No protons, then no atomic nucleuses and no atoms. No atoms, no chemistry, no life. Like Baby Bear's porridge in the story of Goldilocks, the universe seems to be just right for life.

What to read next?

See: (a) Time and Time Travel, (b) Time Domains, (c) Kingdom of God, (d) Singularity and the Big Bang Theories, (e) E=mc˛,  (f) Ten Dimensions of the Universe, (g) Age of the Earth, Periods that Developed Life, Heavens, (h) Gap Theory of Genesis 1:2 - Earth formless for billions of years (i) Science Topics Menu