
Create Date: 12-Mar-2019

Is there Evolution?  Are their Changes?

Last updated: 30-Jan-2023

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1 Preface 2 Disturbing Facet
3 High Level Summary 4 Useless Junk DNA?
5 What is Evolution Defined? 6 Evolutionist Thoughts and Beliefs
7 Can Small Changes in a Species Happen? 8 Genetically Modified Crops
9 Can Cross-Breeding Create? 10 The Problem Not Addressed
11 Examples in Nature that Required a Creator 12 Evolutionist Fall Back Question
13 Some Final Points 14 Final Nails in the Coffin
15 Are Human Beings and All Life Devolving?    


The information below is presented at a high level and should be enough to provide a good starting proof that the theory of evolution creating all life and changing life from one form to another is impossible.  For the reader who will also enjoy and need a very detailed scientific approach, this author highly suggests getting "In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientist Choose to Believe in Creation."   The book is written in very explicit details from a vantage point in every field of science, which is a must read for the Christian who is looking for answers.

The impossible, illogical and most unscientific explanation of how evolution started
 which is completely untenable. and completely absurd.
Also known as Abiogenesis

A general summary of Evolution states that in the beginning a specific kind of inert dirt or mud, through possibly a lightning bolt, struck the dirt to turn the dirt into an amino acid, where the amino acid bonded with other amino acids to become proteins.  The proteins then had additional bonding with other proteins, amino acids and dirt to construct themselves into a living cell which contains: a cell wall, food absorbing, food processing, waste disposal, defensive abilities to protect the cell and so much more.  With additional energy from X-ray and UV radiation, the cell then duplicates itself into more and more cells to eventually form bacteria and micro-organisms.  These micro-organisms then bonded with other micro-organisms to create more efficient and complex organisms that eventually over time change into all the known life forms on the Earth.  All along the process, the life forms being created, design new features (or take from other life forms through newly acquired ability of mating) and add them in the next reproduction to make more and more complex new creations.

See:Digizyme - Knowledge Through Visual Science

A few quotes from Paul Davies, an English physicist amongst many other accolades:

"There is for me powerful evidence that there is something going on behind it all... It seems as though somebody has fine tuned nature's numbers to make the Universe... the impression of design is overwhelming."
Scientists are slowly waking up to an inconvenient truth - the universe looks suspiciously like a fix. The issue concerns the very laws of nature themselves. For 40 years, physicists and cosmologists have been quietly collecting examples of all too convenient "coincidences" and special features in the underlying laws of the universe that seem to be necessary in order for life, and hence conscious beings, to exist. Change any one of them and the consequences would be lethal. Fred Hoyle, the distinguished cosmologist, once said it was as if "a super-intellect has monkeyed with physics".

To see the problem, imagine playing God with the cosmos. Before you is a designer machine that lets you tinker with the basics of physics. Twiddle this knob and you make all electrons a bit lighter, twiddle that one and you make gravity a bit stronger, and so on. It happens that you need to set thirty something knobs to fully describe the world about us. The crucial point is that some of those metaphorical knobs must be tuned very precisely, or the universe would be sterile.

Example: neutrons are just a tad heavier than protons. If it were the other way around, atoms couldn't exist, because all the protons in the universe would have decayed into neutrons shortly after the big bang. No protons, then no atomic nucleuses and no atoms. No atoms, no chemistry, no life. Like Baby Bear's porridge in the story of Goldilocks, the universe seems to be just right for life.
"Science is about explaining the world, and religion is about interpreting it.  There shouldn't be any conflict."

Disturbing Facet

The disturbing facet of believing in evolution also leads to racism, elitism and the valuing of some lives over others.  These three points, use to be discussed and disguised in different terms by evolutionist, but have been absent in recent decades when it was discovered what they were saying really meant. 

The root of the evolutionist racism comes from their decades ago explanation of human development leaving the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East to scatter across the world where different ethnicities were formed.  The evolutionist would state that there would be differences in not only appearance of human-kind but other aspects of biology.  This is of course absolutely against what God has given us in His Word.

High Level Summary

All Christians should be aware of the information and assertions coming from Evolutionist.  Christians have been taught that evolution is impossible and that everything is created by God.  As Christians, we believe that God Created everything but He does allow changes based on parameters that are built into the Designs that He Created. 

Genesis 1:24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so.  

(Notice the word "kinds" which in scientific terms can be translated as their Family in the Ecological Pyramid.)

What Christians need to be cognizant of is changes in species, with limitations, does occur by a transfer of properties as explained below.   These changes are now being called evolution but this does not mean everything evolved from a common one cell organism millions of years ago.  Evolution, in the past, was described as a transition of an organism into something distinctly different which was exemplified by the assent of mankind from ape-like creatures.  Now Evolutionist are calling any small changes in a species as evolution so that they can stipulate these small changes in a species, given enough time, lead to transitional species. 

Evolutionist have not proved that any organism's DNA can obtain new more advanced design type features that were not part of the existing genetically designs of the contributing parent's DNA.  Mutations are seen, provable and do happen but that is not evolving into something more complex as the mutation is still genetically still the same.  Additionally, loss of design features occurs as found with the example of Astyanax Mexianus fish found in lightless caves which have lost their eyes after it was no longer needed, which the DNA programming allows by God's design.

Note: As stated above regarding life starting from lightning bolts and dirt, the design of DNA is exquisitely intricate with amazing designs of informational for creation.

Many decades ago, we were all being taught that mankind came from apes.  Read monkey frauds.  One of newest theories, that we are being taught, is mankind and chimpanzees have a common parental ancestor that took the two species on separate evolutionary paths.  This is not a proven theory and this assertion is made because of what Evolutionist state because of the similarities in DNA sharing between mankind and chimpanzees. 

Considering design of hemoglobin, any small changes in the design are fatal for the host organism where in humans this can causes Sickle cell anemia.  There are many examples in biology that where a very low percentage of variations can cause problems and even be fatal.  The Evolutionist assert that Natural Selection eliminates these problems over time and the 1% similarities between species like mankind and chimpanzees is acceptable proof for evolution. 

What Evolutionist are partially correct about is there are new species being created but the new species is still genetically identical with the species that the new species emerged from.  (more on this shortly).  As an example, there are Dwarf Elephants on St Paul Island which possibly were separated from other elephants on the mainland where over time the habitat only enabled elephants of smaller stature to survive and the DNA reinforced the change through the continued breeding of only the small elephants.  We see this in small lakes where the fish only grow as large as their habitat will allow and overtime with the possibility of shallower waters may cause the DNA information to retain only other specific traits.  A human expression is "use it or lose it" where God designed His creation to allow changes. 

Useless Junk DNA?

As a quick example, consider a human being starting from a zygote, which is a collection of a few cells that consist of s plasma membrane, ribosomes, cytoplasm and DNA.  When the growth formation begins, at some point the cells stops duplicating themselves and start creating new types of cells that will become specialize into bones, organs, skin, etc.  The questions are:

More questions could be asked but the major point is there is very complex engineering going on that required a designer which we are only just now in this point in history to be able to grasp some of the complexities.  When considering the small list of questions, just proposed along with your own questions, imagine looking at a raw chicken egg and then understanding that in the incubation process, this egg goes through all the steps of the questions above, and then knows when to crack the egg shell to escape.

What is Evolution?

Evolution is described to be the change which happens in characteristics of a species, over several generations, which requires Natural Selection (NS) in the process to change a species into something different and possibly a entirely new species.  NS is defined a process where an organism, that is better adapted to an environment will survive and reproduce over other organisms with lesser abilities. 

Evolutionist Thoughts and Beliefs

Evolutionist are stating that evolution is how all life on Earth was created.  The Evolutionist list information as if it was fact when it is at best theories.  In the past there have been numerous deceptions with altered fossils.  It takes a great deal of faith to believe evolution created all life.  In the Evolutionist defense, when concerning a belief that all life came from evolution, if there is no God and creator, then it is most likely the best possible explanations in their mind concerning creation of new genetic properties in species. 

Some points concerning the Evolutionist theories:

Regarding Evolutionist using the science of Biology incorrectly when it goes against other sciences, consider the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which can be paraphrased as "All things are subject to decay over time."  In other words, if something is always decaying then how it is evolving into something better?  A simple example could be your desk, your closet of clothes, your kitchen where over time will become disorderly and require energy (a person working that is external) and knowledge (external information) to organize it, to get clean, efficient along with adding enhancements.   More on this is discussed later in this topic.

* Family in the Ecological Pyramid, is defined by many sources as: "a category of biological classification ranking between the type Order and type Genus."  As an example, many people are familiar with Canine, or Canidae Family that consists of Coyotes, Jackals, Wolves, Foxes and Dogs, where there are many breeds.  Note that some sources may state that Canidae is part of a Genus group.  The grouping names and definitions in living creatures is man's definition, where God states that animals can create after their kind.

The full animal kingdom, as of 2015, is defined by the world as consisting of six levels where Phylum is the top highest level of category and there are other publications listed where more categories such as the one shown below.  Many Biologist publications, state that nearly 85% of the land species and 90% of the aquatic/marine species of the world are yet to be discovered and catalogued.  This author absolutely believes that there is most likely a large number of species yet to be discovered, but the humorous part on the part of the Biologist is they are giving percentages which is impossible to calculate without knowing the total number of species divided by the known species. 

Ecological Pyramid or Living Organisms Table
Man's Interpretation of Life and the divisions of all living organisms
  Category Name Number Contained Groups Notes with brevity and focus
1 Domain 3 Super kingdom: Archae, Bacteria and Eukarya.
2 Kingdom 6 Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea and Bacteria.
3 Phylum or Division 57 35 types of Animals, 14 types of Plants, 8 types of Fungus
4 Class 90 Distinct rank based on complexity such as organs with no exact agreement.
5 Order 493 No agreement, but suggested by "having a form of".
6 Family 5,404 Described as the major groups.
7 Genus 94,240 +/- Hierarch of classification with no perfect agreement.
8 Species 953,434 to over 10,000,000 The basic unit of naming an organism.
As of October 2020 research  Copyright JKM 2020

Can Small Changes in a Species Happen?

Yes, by Transposable Cell Changes (TCC).  TCC is defined as a change in the DNA Sequence that changes the position of a genome which then can cause a new creation or a reversal of mutations in a cell's identity and genome size along with possible genome rearrangements.  TCC often results in a duplication of the same genetic type material.  Molecular Biologist define genome as the genetic material of an organism. 

In several research documents on plants regarding Transposable elements (TEs), TEs are genomic sequences that can move from one position to another with in a genome.  They are classified into two major classes that are defined based on DNA or RNA intermediate transportations. 

An example of TCC is when a plant exchanges or cross-pollinates with other similar plant species.  This can cause changes in the original species.  The process can cause hybrid offspring and this is often done intentionally by Horticulturist for a new beautiful variety of flowers and/or resistance to insects.  Another example is the "seedless fruit" that are being developed.  Often the examples of crops that harvested for food sources have been found to have a loss in the original designs that were beneficial to the organisms consuming them.

Another misquoted example of evolutionist is examples given on Viruses which are still in the same genus.  Virus can mutate to become more resilient against known drugs and create new diseases.  The RNA viruses can mutate much faster than DNA viruses, single-stranded Viruses mutate faster than double-strand Viruses and genome size appears to correlate negatively with mutation rates according to the US Library of Medicine.

As already stated, when mankind left the Fertile Crescent area of the Middle East in the beginning, was there evolution because the different distinct ethnicities (races) occurred all over the world?  In today's politically correct world, this is very offensive.  We all know that God created all of us as equals!  Clearly the changes are still human beings and there was no evolution.

The Evolutionist, as of 2019, are fond of pointing out evolution is constantly occurring with examples of discussing Darwin's Finches with appearance changes.  The Evolutionist avoid and are reluctant to label ethnicity changes in mankind as evolution.  When humans have offspring from parents of two different ethnicities, are the children considered a new species?  This is the case for Biologist and evolutionist, as there is always this assertion with dogs, cats and others like Darwin's Finches when the offspring are exactly like the parents but with some different types of skin color?  Clearly the changes are still dogs, cats and finches and there was no evolution.
An Analogy: All biological organisms are made up of components where we can think of a simplified analogy of a house which has bedrooms, a kitchen, bathrooms, hallways, closets, a garage, piping, nails, roofing materials, etc.  If all the components were stacked up on an empty field, then the builders using different architectural blueprints, could assemble the house in many designs but are limited to the components available.  Any house built will have resemblances and many commonalities, where we would recognize the commonalities. In order for a more complex house with new components to be built, then it will require more additional materials and new architectural blueprints.  The DNA in all organisms, are the blueprints with the instructions on "carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms (wiki)"  Enhancements to the house blueprints requires an external design change implementation and DNA is infinitely more complex.

Genetically Modified Crops

A very well know term is used in grocery store products and also advertising called GMO which stands for Genetically Modified Organism.  The amount of GMO products in the world and in particular the United States often will surprise many people on how wide spread.

Note that the changes made to the crops are still called the same prior name and are never called an evolutionary change.  The changes made demonstrate it is possible to manipulate the traits, features and subtle appearance where something new still retains the old attributes. 

# Crop Notes as of 2019
1 Corn 88% of the crop in the USA is GMO
2 Soy 93% of the crop is GMO
3 Cottonseed 94% of the crop in the USA is GMO
4 Alfalfa Food for cows, source of milk, butter, yogurt, meat and much more.
5 Papaya 75% of the Hawaiian crop is GMO to protect from the Ringspot Virus
6 Canola 90% of the crop in the USA is GMO
7 Sugar Beets 54% of sugar sold in the USA from Sugar Beets.  90% of this crop is GMO

Can Cross-Breeding Create?

There is a question heard often which is can cross-breeding create a new species or hybrid animal? The answer is yes, and below are three quick examples that are widely known. 

  1. One is the Mule, which is the offspring of a male Donkey and a female Horse.  The Horse and Donkey are members of the same genus.  Both the Donkey and the Horse are different species that contain different numbers of chromosomes.  The Horse has 64 chromosomes and the Donkey has 62 chromosomes where the offspring Mule has 63 chromosomes.  As of 2019, Mules are unable to mate with other Mules but Mules are able to mate with a full bread Donkey or Horse.
  2. The second is the Liger, which is the offspring a male Lion and a female Tiger.  the Lion and Tiger are of the same genus.  As of 2019, Ligers are largely sterile with two exceptions noted on WIKI.  In 1943, a Liger successfully mated with a Lion where the offspring was of weak health but did live.  In 2012, the Russian Novosibirsk Zoo reported a mating between a female Liger and a Lion father.  Note that it was not breeding between two Ligers.
  3. The third is the American Bison, which involved cross-breeding with domestic bulls.  The result was only the female's offspring were capable of having offspring, but the foremost problem was lack of some preferred genetic traits. 

There are now very interesting cross-breeding work being done, through gene editing with species of the same family that may yield to create new species that are similar to extinct species of the past which sounds like something out of the fictional "Jurassic Park", but it is not the same process from the book/movie.  Recent new is describing the possibility of generating of generating a WoollyMammouth with gene editing.   

Note, as mentioned above with the Finches, that all of us take for granted that there are new breeds of cats and dogs being created.  As an example, in 2018 there is a high interest in the United Sates for LabraDoodle and IrishDoodle dogs.  The LabraDoodle was first created in 1988, in Australia, by cross breeding a Labrador Retriever and a Standard Poodle.  We use the vernacular term of Dog Breed and technically the LabraDoodle might also be called a new species of canines if an Evolutionist were discussing the point. 

The Canine or Canidae Family / Genus contains Coyotes, Jackals, Wolves, Foxes and Dogs.  Scientist have stated that Coyotes, Jackals, Foxes and Dogs cannot interbreed naturally with the wider family in the Canidae species and if they could, then their offspring would be infertile.

Second note, there is the disturbing aspects of Humanzeez and experiments with animals to benefit human-beings.  As a Christian, it is worth having some knowledge exposure.

The Problem Not Addressed

There is a problem that is not addressed by evolutionary theories. The key element, as required by evolutionist for changes to occur with any plant or animal into a new species, requires Natural Selection (NS) to occur.  NS can possibly, with many limitations, create new species within a genus when two members of the same genus mate, but the properties are a combination or subset of the donor parents with nothing new added that didn't exist in the contributing mating species. 

Stating this again for emphasis, there is never a new biological component, only the combination or subset of biological components from the contributing mating species.   As an analogy, take two sets of numbers consisting of numbers between 1 through 9. 

There are at least four omissions by Evolutionist:

  1. If NS is used in evolution, then NS still does not address the question on how something was designed to allow the process to happen. Mankind, with all the advances in medical/biological sciences, cannot manipulate any biological changes in an animal that will give an animal new distinct property that were not present before or came from the donor genetic material.  If it were possible then this also proves it required an external source working in the process that has nothing to do with NS.  Evolutionist are assuming that there were organisms in the past with the ability to be changed into something new continually over long periods of time to eventually evolve into complex living creatures.  It is analogous to saying computers are always upgradeable without eventually replacing the whole computer and a computer is far less complicated than living creatures. 
  2. The Evolutionist has to also find theories that are provable on why an advanced organism would infuse, mate, replicate itself with another organism that is different and inferior.  The reciprocal might be very remotely understandable as a theory that an organism or creature that recognizes it is inferior to want to mate with a uniquely different organism or creature that is more advanced; but would the more advanced organism or creature allow it?  Would two organisms or creatures have the mental ability to reason that an infusing, mating or replication have the ability to improve the offspring?  Would the offspring be infertile as the Mule and Liger examples above?
  3. In an article on the Institute for Creation Research dealing with Natural Selection: https://www.icr.org/article/natural-selections-role-real-world  The point of NS still only allows the use of biological properties that already existed.  In other words, NS has nothing to do with adding new properties or features.

    "Natural selection can act only on those biologic properties that already exist [creation]; it cannot create properties in order to meet adaptational needs [macroevolution]."
  4. Assuming NS can create a mutation in an animal, which consists of new properties, that were not present before, then the new mutated animal must mate with another animal that has the same new properties in order for the new feature to be sustained and continue.  As seen in the cross-breeding examples noted above in this article, the Mule and Liger both show that they do not have the ability to reproduce themselves and they still only contain properties from the parents with nothing new added.

Science doing creative design

There has been genetic design work being done for decades to manipulate organisms for research on what is possible.  When a scientist does anything in a lavatory using manmade processes, then this demonstrates it is not Natural Selection as it required an outside influence.  

Examples in Nature that Required a Creator

There are many examples that demonstrate the requirement for a Creator.  These are this author's favorite top four:

  1. The Butterfly is a beautiful insect that belongs to the Macrolepidopteran clade Rhopalocera.  The butterfly use "a stage 4" life cycle consisting of eggs, larvae/caterpillars, pupate in a chrysalis/cocoon metamorphosis process, then finally into winged butterfly.  There is absolutely no reasonable theory on how an evolutionary process could have explained the stages and changes.  The complexity of the process shows a creative design.
  2. There are coral and plants at the bottom of the oceans where the water is very cold and there is no light.  In these depths of 60 to 3,050 meters or 200 to 10,000 feet, when light is shown the corals and plants often show beautiful colors.  What would be the evolutionary purposes other than the Creator enjoying the beauty which does not require light for Him.
  3. The Giraffe has a very complex blood pressure problem which requires blood pressure valves and specially designed arteries to enable blood to reach its brain when the Giraffe is standing and elevating its head.  When the Giraffe's head is down the blood pressure that was required to enable the blood to reach the brain now becomes a problem if it weren't for the special valves that stop the blood pressure from exploding veins and the brain from the sudden increase in pressure when the head is down.  In other words, when the head is up, the long neck requires increased blood pressure.  When the head is down, the long neck as it approaches a horizontal or lower position does not require increased blood pressure.  The evolution process cannot have any intermediate steps from an animal with no neck to an animal with a very long neck.  The long neck Giraffe had to be designed with the mechanical biologics already in place.
  4. The Bombardier Beetle is one of the classic examples used by Creationist for showing a very unique attribute that could not have been developed in stages of an evolutionary process.  This Beetle has the ability to shoot a chemical from the tip of the abdomen towards potential enemies.  The chemical is a mixture of hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide which are stored in two separate compartments / reservoirs in the abdomen.  The mixture reaches a near boiling point which then forms some gas along with the liquid as it is shot from the abdomen.  Many species of the Beetle have the ability to aim the chemical in many directions that can kill insects and fend off predators.  (In some sources on the Internet, there is the assertion that Evolutionist have explanations for this unique design but this author has found no adequate explanations.  Additionally, there are those who believe the Earth was "seeded" by Extraterrestrials in the ancient past and they site that the Bombardier Beetle is proof of Extraterrestrial Genetic Engineering.)
  5. A Jellyfish, has not been brought up in any written materials, that this author has seen as of 2022, concerning the simplistic design without some body parts that most animals have such as a central nervous system and a brain which an evolutionist might use an argument against a Creator.  What makes the Jellyfish very interesting and also another example of a Creator Designing is the requirement for all of the biological parts of the Jellyfish, such as a mouth and stomach with oxygen absorption through its gonads and then diffuses oxygen through its epidermis to work perfectly without a brain and central nervous system.  The question to ask is how would the body parts of the Jellyfish work without being controlled by their cellular design without being "programmed"?

At the risk of sounding disrespectful to Evolutionist, the quip made by Creationist is "Dead animals do not evolve and cannot tell their fellow brethren not to try the failed new enhancements" is a very humorous and important point to remember.  There is not a logical explanation or theory why a Butterfly, Giraffe or Bombardier Beetle would somehow know to keep trying on adding new genetic features, not present previously, to get the desired new outcome.  It would have required an external design change if the change came in the form of a transitional species and that is not logical without a Creator.

Evolutionist Fall Back Question

Evolutionist always resort to questions such as "how did animals get on small islands in the middle of the ocean if evolution does not happen?"  The answer(s) do not prove evolution because no matter how they got there, the variety of species on remote islands are still similar to other species and from all of the points above along with ones not even discussed here, it still requires a creator.  A famous answer "is all of creation shows that the designs came from the same manufacturer."  As an example, in scientific studies, the dinosaur fossils show that they still had all of the complexities of design that are present now such as a heart, brain, lungs and other organs.  There were no dinosaurs that had some type of previous stage of required organs.

Some Final Points

There are highly intelligent Scientist who have the ability to comprehend complex areas of biology which has led to wonderful areas of medicine and understanding of the mechanics in the natural world so that therapy, surgery and other mechanisms can be used to bring better quality of life for us all.  What we do not hear in the main-stream media world news is there a large amount of God fearing and believing Scientists of all disciplines that include Biology.  Proof of God is an abstract thought to many of skeptical Scientists, but not for many other Scientists because of the abundance of information in not only biology but other disciplines that prove that there has to be a God to design everything and it is the God of the Bible.

As of 2019, in the field of Information Technology (IT), we have created self-correcting data algorithms that allow a computer to have a physical hard drive data storage device be removed with zero data loss when the hard drive is part of a Disk Array.  Additionally, we have created many other wonderful and amazing new features of engineering such as robots which can walk and answer questions.  The future of computer technology is expected to yield self some amazing features such as self-repairing abilities when an inventory of parts is mechanically available.  There is the realm of science fiction which believe the future will have machines that will become self-aware, self-healing, self-sustaining and self-replicating.

Note that we know from science that there are no immortal biological organisms, albeit there are some trees that are several thousand years old.  The terms of:

  1. Self-sustaining,
  2. Self-healing, and
  3. Self-regenerating

are defined as meaning the ability to seek out a food source and regenerate/grow new cells until a point when either mitosis or meiosis is no longer possible because of age of the organism.

The point of these statements, when just using computers as an example that have used IT and engineering to be created, show that all of the machines required incalculable amounts of man-hours for research, design, engineering development that even included mistakes that were learned from.  None of these efforts has given us a machine or a living creature that is as complex as the simplest of the created world's creatures, even at the single cell structure.  Sadly, the notion of using inert dirt that is hit with electricity in a controlled environment to create some amino-acids is not even close to proving life could have started through this process as thought about in the Miller-Urey experiment and others.

Mankind might eventually have the ability to design a self-replicating, simple mechanical or biological type organism.  The pursuit of this ability and even the progress made thus far, proves organism happening by chance just cannot happen no matter how much time is given without external influence/creation.  Today, with all of mankind's knowledge, we are not even able to duplicate the smallest bit of technology that a single cell organism is capable of doing such as

  1. Self-healing,
  2. Self-sustaining,
  3. Self-regenerating, and
  4. Being self-aware (consciousness),
  5. Create methods "armies" against invaders. 

This is probably why many of those who do NOT believe there is a God have come to the belief that Extraterrestrials have created life on the planet earth.  (The next question for those who believe in Extraterrestrials is who created them?)

There is a principle called Irreducible Complexity (IC) which is the observation that biological organisms cannot have involved from a previous functional organism because the current state is at the simplest design level where anything removed from it would not allow the organism to have existed.  The classical example for analogy purposes is a watch where any parts removed from it would not allow it to function; and a simple cell is actually an extremely complex miniature factory. 

There are many, well-meaning agnostic Scientists on the Internet who have put out documents and videos that they claim to have come up with proof or an argument against IC.  After reviewing some of their very well written documents or videos against IC, they fail in their attempts to negate the point that there had to be an external influence, that is intelligent, to have added on a property/feature that the organism did not have previously. Additionally, if an organism existed in a previous state which did not have a property that exists today, then why was the new property added and could the organism be able to feed, replicate, heal in the previous state?  The most over-looked additional question by evolutionist, is "HOW did a new feature in a creature have the brain recognize the feature and know how to control it?", which again is impossible without an external designer.

The odds of an accumulation of accidents or NS to cause a beneficial design change that could even be carried forward has been calculated by many statisticians to be so astronomically implausible that it is absurd.  As an analogy to help clarifying this point, if mankind realized that we needed the ability to fly or breathe air from water, we would have to have a design and material/biology property added that could not be done simply by our will or desire to have that ability. 

Final Nails in the Coffin

Evolutionist cannot explain consciousness along with senses and emotions being developed because it requires an external designer.  How can evolution have designed:

  1. Consciousness (self-awareness),
  2. Love,
  3. Hate,
  4. Depression,
  5. Loss / remorse,
  6. Pride / arrogance,
  7. Compassion, and
  8. so much more?

Mankind and many creatures have the senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing.  To name a few more marvels, in the animal world:

  1. There is sonar in dolphins,
  2. Echo positioning in bats, 
  3. Migratory birds using magnetic field detection to navigate, and
  4. Sharks use electroreceptor glands to detect electromagnetic fields generated by muscle movements in their prey. 

Then there is the desire and pleasures of sex, which is necessary for procreation, that gives an emotion of ecstasy.  These are highly complex abilities that absolutely require a Creator.

The Animal Kingdom, unlike human beings, has the trait known as instinct to do many marvelous and extraordinary things.  One example of instinct enables an animal to know how to care for birth of their young.  In dog and cats, amongst many other animals, the mother will eat the newborn's placenta while licking the newborn to stimulate breathing and life.  This is done universally and is not taught.  Instinct is a highly complex set of abilities that absolutely require a Creator. 

Evolutionist cannot explain why there is no life on other planets.  If Evolution was even possible from a single cell being "created" from inert dirt that somehow became an amino acid, to become a complex living organism, then we would should be seeing life on planets in our in Solar System that took a similar or different development path than Earth.  The old Star Trek TV show from the 1960s, once had a point that there is other life in the universe that was not carbon based.  In the myths of Evolution that state life on Earth developed over billions of years, then where is the life on Mars or other planets that should have developed which could be based on other cellular designs?

Are Human Beings and All Life Devolving?

The observable by biological research and theoretical belief by many Christian Scientists, Biblical Scholars and this author is all life on this planet has been slowly devolving.  The deception by the Satanic World is to give the illusion that we are evolving by science fiction books, magazines, internet topics, the recent longer life spans and new sporting achievements. 

Consider these points that could be from hundreds:

  1. See this very interesting read on devolving rather than evolving.
    Excerpt from link: "This type of on-going genetic damage causes continuously increasing “genetic load”, which must eventually outweigh the transient gains associated with adaptation. Continuous accumulation of slightly harmful mutations is like rust on a car it is ongoing and the damage accumulates without limit. Although it will take a very long time, we predict that the LTEE populations will eventually display fitness decline and eventual extinction. This is consistent with our many previous studies involving the general problem of genetic entropy and the associated genetic degeneration of populations"
  2. Human beings lived very long life-spans before the Great Flood of Noah and for limited generations after the Great Flood. 
    (a) A very interesting study is why Methuselah lived 969 years. 
    (b) Consider the idea that today, our usefulness to society in terms of contributing mentally, in complex areas of work, is roughly between the years of 18 years old to not much past 65 years old where we usually can only contribute in one professional area only.  Note that there are vitamin supplements, along with exercise and diet, that are contributing to sustainable cognitive abilities for many years after 65 years of life.
    (c) Imagine the contributing factors of a person living hundreds of years where generations of new people would be able to learn from experts that have very long periods of time to learn in many professional areas!
  3. As discussed in the Noah's Ark topic, God had an estimated 5404 Genetic Families of land and air animals on the Ark which then according to Genesis 1:24, reproduced after their "Kind" to create diversity in what we would call Genetic Genus and Species. 
    (a) Even human-beings have changed into many types of ethnicities, different heights and other visual attributes.  A quick comparison is to consider humans that are pigmies and other humans that are very tall, where they both have the same biological "components".
  4. The logical explanation of the previous longer life-spans was caused by:
    (a) The green-house effect and increased atmospheric pressure that the Earth had prior to the Great Flood.  Atmospheric pressure, in studies today, is showing great promise in recovery from sickness and diseases.  In laboratory experiments, animals along with plants when kept in the environment with higher atmospheric pressure will grow larger and more healthier.
    (b) The perfection that Adam and Eve enjoyed in their physiology, before being cursed after the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, may have been hundreds to thousands of years of life when living in the Garden of Eden
    (c) The perfection of the physiology, as evidenced by ages of those listed in the scriptures in the generations after Adam and Eve, steadily decreased before and after the Great Flood.
  5. The slightly increased life expectancy today is roughly only ten to twenty years because of:
    (a) Advanced medicines,
    (b) Surgeries to remove cancer or other problems,
    (c) Surgeries to transplants organs,
    (d) Surgeries to implant heart pace makers, vein stints, plastic mesh to hold organs in place, titanium to support bones.
    (e) Artificial pumps with filters to transplant and purify blood, perform dialysis, provide oxygen to our lungs and many other areas.
    (f) No longer is there a requirement of strenuous work in farming and hunting that our ancestors were required for life. 
    (g) Vitamin supplements are giving us the requirements for our health that the food we eat are not always giving us.
  6. Animal species are:
    (a) Rapidly going extinct as the secular world's scientist are often warning through the media.
    (b) New Genetic Species from the same Genetic Family (Scriptural Kinds) is not happening as often as it use to occur.
  7. In a minor proof area, there appears to be evidence that the mental attention spans along with cognitive abilities, which is the ability to think with memorization and understanding, is decreasing when examining the writing and art from just the last few hundred years. 
    (a) Example 1: In the United States, during the period of the revolution, the Federalist Papers were handed out on street corners where the common person understood the points where today these Federalist Papers is considered advanced studies in universities that require a great deal of analysis to fully grasp. 
    (b) Example 2: Novels written as recently as a hundred years ago along with the way people spoke commonly, often contained very detailed long sentences that require a long attention span to remember the whole sentence to follow points, thoughts, ideas, emotions and even conjectures for understanding. 
    (c) Example 3: In the history of NASA, the propulsion and trajectory software were built with software that was similar to Assembly Language that was later changed to Nastran (similar to Fortran), where storage was very limited which did not allow having comments in the code.  An author's good friend, Dirar, worked on a project in the early 1990s to convert several of the software systems written in Nastran because of YTK vulnerabilities.  Dirar spoke about NASA having some of the best minds in the world, with PHDs, working on the conversion project where these people came into the project with arrogance thinking they could easily go through the calculations in the programming code.  There apparently was written documentation on the old software that had been discarded and thrown away over time.  Without
    * External documentation,
    * Code not containing documentation, and
    * All the original designers of the software were either deceased or too old to remember anything,
    this gave the team a difficult task. Dirar stated it was interesting having the current greatest propulsion and trajectory men and women:
    * Ask the question, "how did these guys come up with trajectory calculations, which obviously work?  Did they use trial and error?"
    * State next, "These old engineering programmers were geniuses in figuring out equations that had no predecessor equations."
    * Once the equations were derived from the old code they were put into the new software, where they were unable to put comments on why it works other than this is required for specific reasons.  

    This author once heard a NASA scientist in the 1990s give a lecture, which stated the early engineers that were working on the equations and computers to use in trajectory, were basing their knowledge on Air Force B-52 stratofortress bombers testing of limitations.  This would make sense on rocket propulsion and trajectory as the B-52 are massive that probably gave valuable equations on weight propulsion requirements.  Of course there was also valuable knowledge, used at NASA, brought from the German Scientist Wernher Von Braun and other German scientists after WWII.

    (d) There is sometimes those who equate increased electronic data availability and advanced technological devices, that are enjoyed now, as evidence of mankind having superior intellectual abilities than the past.  Daniel 12:4 informs us that knowledge, which means understanding, will increase which is dealing with information.

This author is not stating that we are now ignorant or even mentally deficient.  To the contrary, we are just not as gifted in terms of our physiology than what God originally gave us.  We are blessed and lucky in terms of technology as this author believes this is part of God's Plan to have the knowledge of Him being readily available across the entire Earth which we all have through the internet and various media abilities. 

Daniel 12:4 "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."
Romans 8:20-21 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

What to read next?

See: (a) Time and Time Travel, (b) Time Domains, (c) Kingdom of God, (d) Singularity and the Big Bang Theories, (e) E=mc˛,  (f) Ten Dimensions of the Universe, (g) Age of the Earth, Periods that Developed Life, Heavens, (h) Gap Theory of Genesis 1:2 - Earth formless for billions of years (i) Science Topics Menu

