Alcoholism, Smoking, and

Created Date: 10-Nov-2018

Addictions that have remedies

Last updated: 31-Jul-2023

A A A  help
1 Choosing One Eliminates Everything God has Planned for You
2 Alcoholism and Smoking Help
3 Commonalities in Addictions with Help Ideas
4 Sustained use of Alcohol can cause Dementia, Impairments and Cognitive losses.

Choosing One Eliminates Everything God has Planned for You

This author, at almost 63 years of age, has seen so many friends, acquaintances, and people exposed in the media that have destroyed their lives and hurt so many others with easily discernable consequences because of addictions. 

All of us, including myself in bad choices that do not involved addictions, have suffered Godly corrections and consequences from bad choices in life.  I am very thankful for the Love of God to fix my direction in my life.  God will do the same for absolutely everyone who seeks Him through Jesus Christ

There are some people who will give up all the potentials of a God guided and rewarding life for:

where all of these wrong choices will suppress and even eliminate the blessings from God in a person's life along with losses of Rewards in Heaven.

Choosing NOT to:

  1. Use illegal drugs,
  2. Abuse the consumption of alcohol,
  3. Live only for sex, pornography, and having affairs, and
  4. Craving power and money

will gain God's promises through a Christian centric life.

When we are seeking God in righteousness, our lives will have peace, happiness and so much more, even when we are suffering.  We all are living in a depraved and Satanic controlled world so suffering happens to absolutely everyone through causalities of others and our own sinful natures. 

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Alcoholism and Smoking Help

Used by permission from Life Extensions / Healthy Directions website.  The article is Alcoholism and Smoking medicine has it backwards by Julian Whitaker M.D., published 21-Jun-2012.  If the link breaks in the future, click on this linked PDF version.

An excerpt from Julian Whitaker M.D article:

Here are my specific recommendations for overcoming alcoholism:

  • If you drink any alcohol at all, it is imperative that you supplement with a potent daily multivitamin and mineral regimen. This will not only reduce alcohol intake and make it easier to control drinking, but will also compensate for the nutrient losses that occur, even with social drinking.
  • For alcohol problems, the following supplements will help curb cravings: 500–1,000 mg buffered vitamin C whenever cravings hit (up to 10,000 mg daily) and 500–1,000 mg L-glutamine three times a day on an empty stomach. I also suggest taking additional calcium, magnesium, zinc, and B-complex vitamins. You can find these supplements in health food stores.
  • Curb your alcohol cravings with kudzu extract, which comes from a popular fast-growing vine from the South. Massachusetts researchers set up a “lab” in an apartment where study subjects came after work. They took either a kudzu supplement or a placebo capsule and then drank as many beers as they desired.

The experiment was later repeated and the kudzu-placebo groups were switched. Across the board, those taking kudzu drank more slowly and drank about half as much as when they were taking a placebo. If you tend to overindulge, give kudzu a try. Look for a standardized kudzu extract in health food stores and take as directed.

Here are a few of the many beneficial changes that happen when you quit smoking:

  • Within 20 minutes of your last cigarette, your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.
  • After eight hours, your carbon monoxide levels will have dropped and your oxygen levels will return to normal.
  • By the end of day two, you'll notice an improvement in your senses of taste and smell.
  • After two weeks to three months without a cigarette, your risk of having a heart attack will drop, and your lung function will improve.
  • After one year, your risk of heart disease will be cut by 50%, as will your risk of lung cancer after five years. In short, I don't know anyone who has stopped smoking for any length of time and is sorry they did. Your chances of being happy without cigarettes are close to 100%.

Yet, as beneficial as it is to quit smoking, it can be a tough row to hoe. Fortunately, you can make it easier

Commonalities in Addictions with Help Ideas

This author's previous wife became an alcoholic that caused so many problems in the marriage, which eventually caused me having to divorce her for Biblical Reasons.  It is mentioned because during the period of her getting help, on several detoxification periods staying full-time at outreach centers, I attended support family meetings.  I was naive and unaware of the treatments for alcoholism were being used for also drug and sexual addictions.

Speakers at the meeting events spoke about daily goals, used even on vacations, which consisted of finding, planning and going to Alcoholism Anonymous Meetings along with spending time reading and studying scriptures.  Some speakers, who had decades of sobriety and abstinence, used healthy living patters in addition to meetings and scriptural study that consisted of daily exercise, vitamins and nutritious food choices. 

Eliminating a bad habit requires the bad habit being replaced with good habits as will-power to stop something is not enough to over-power the desires of bad habits.  Some research studies state that it takes at least three days to replace a bad habit with a good habit.  To completely eliminate a bad habit takes at least thirty days.  When we see positive changes in our appearance, clarity in our thinking and feel the love of God in our lives, then this will reinforce all of us to sustain the use of positive habits that are showing us the rewards in our life.

When this Author became a Born-Again Christian in September of 1983, I recall an axiom that is pertinent and applicable to the points of this topic.  A friend in a Bible Study had written inside the cover of his Bible:

"Sin will keep you from this Book. This Book will keep you from sinning."

In the AAA meetings, the axiom expression is:

"Never stop quitting.  Keep on quitting until you never need to quit again."

Sustained use of Alcohol can cause Dementia, Impairments and Cognitive losses.

Since 2010, there have been more and more research into links between persistent usage of alcohol that can eventually lead to:
  1. Dementia,
  2. Mental acuity impairment, and
  3. Cognitive losses.

In these three areas, research document are stating it has nothing to do with consumption but the residual affects over long periods of time.

As a Christian, there are many areas that we can all become addicted or even mildly attracted to as a form of recreational fun.  There are many medical options, which this author agrees, that it is better to restrict the use of any type of alcohol usage to once a week with very limited consumption.

See this link as one of many reported summary reports on Alcohol Dementia.

This is an excerpt from the Supplements topic:

Alzheimer's and Dementia have always been around, but according to some health websites there may be more occurrences of the two in more people's lives, than in previous times, along with increased occurrences in earlier ages.  There some suggested theories that maybe a possibility of more occurrences because of:

  • The use of antidepressants types of prescriptions.
  • More advanced medicines used in treatments for health problem where the advanced medicines are yielding great results but there may be long-term side-effects.
  • More people leaving sedentary lives with no exercise, where exercise increases blood flow and oxygen levels amongst many other positives. 
  • Excessive and abusive use of alcohol.

As always, consult your Doctor before taking any suggestions on this topic

Turmeric Forte

Recently, a cousin of mine who is the same age, where Alzheimer's is present in his side of the families' ancestors, was diagnosed with both Alzheimer's and Dementia at age where it is not normal.  After hearing from my cousin, I contacted a nutritionist friend who recommended using:

Turmeric Forte from Standard Process

after each meal to aid the in the illness.  My cousin has found it to be very useful and found it very noticeable on helping him to have normal  conversations, where before becoming more and more difficult.  He and others who have Alzheimer's and Dementia are describing the experience of dealing with the illness as having a "brain fog" that is difficult to remember short-term memories and thoughts.

There are also medicines and other supplements that may be helpful, where Turmeric Forte may be an additional regiment to be added for those with one or both of the illnesses.  Additionally, a little bit of cinnamon is a good recommendation as being added to your favorite coffee or tea times on a daily basis.

Candida Albicans?

There are some research documentation on medical blogs that state a cause in a small percentage of Alzheimer and Dementia patients is a gut flora called Candida Albican that infect the brain.  Here is an email with information on using Borax that might be useful, which as always consult your DoctorUsing GcMAFplus and Borax to treat Alzheimer's and here is some additional information on Borax.