Racism Test

Creation Date: 1-Dec-2016


Last updated: 17-Feb-2023

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1 Racism is Learned 2 A Hypothetical Paradox
3 Christian Logic 4 Does Everyone have a Preconceived Notion?
5 Racism Test    

Common misconception: See the topic on Genesis 9:18-27, which explains the scriptural passage has nothing to do with racism and prejudice. This is an important topic as the Genesis 9 passage seems to still be discussed from people who are Biblically illiterate and by those people who are racists. 

Two of the best scriptures, of many, that show that God loves:

are Revelation 7:9 and Matthew 24:14.  Both of these two scriptures, of many, without any doubt prove to all of us that racism and prejudice is scripturally wrong and evil.

Revelation 7:9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Racism is Learned

It is this author's belief that racism initially has nothing to do with ethnicity, but at the core of a person's thought processes. 

Given time, the incorrect thought process of racism can grow if it is not counteracted upon by correct thinking of everyone is equal regardless of any differences of appearance.  In the 1960s, the United States had a very successful advertisement on Television and in the Print Media which correctly explained that:

A Hypothetical Paradox

One of the paradoxical points of racism is the incorrect belief that the skin color of a racist is why the person is a racist.  A person's ethnicity does make them born a racist.

Consider two questions:

  1. A Purple Man and hates all Green People.  Does a Green Person think the racism is because the Purple Man was born Purple? 
  2. If the Green Man could switch his color to Purple, then would that automatically make him now a racist? 

Christian Logic

The person who is on the receiving end of racism and reacts in thought or deed with prejudice, against the other person's ethnicity, is also demonstrating racism. 

Does Everyone have a Preconceived Notion?

It can almost go without saying that there is absolutely no one on the planet who does not have preconceived or initial prejudice with:

Someone who is prejudice is totally different from being a racistThe two words do not mean the same thing.  

These are some examples of prejudice:

Racism, Racial Profiling or Racial Fear is very different from prejudice.  Consider:

Currently in this year of 2016 there is an extremely noticeable effort in the media; entertainment industry of movies and TV; and also, in the work place to eliminate racism.  The question is there a way to determine if anyone of every ethnicity, are in any small or large way thinking or acting in ways that are racist? 

As Christians, we know that God absolutely loves us all and there is no one superior than another.  There are many scriptures such as Galatians 3:28, that prove this.

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Sadly, in the current world, racism still exist which can be seen in travels to all the places which humanity exists.  Countless examples of racism from every ethnicity against another can be found that not one ethnicity can claim superiority or say they are the victim more than others with the exception of the Jews with the attempted genocides throughout the ages

In the year 2016, the United States, South Africa and some other countries there is a term called Affirmative Action which automatically guarantees and promotes one racial group over another.  While the benefits and justification are arguably valid and absolutely needed there is clearly a problem because there is no end date, along with the following problems:

Obviously, there is no end date on being the victim of racism.

Racism Test

The following questions were compiled from several ethnicity sources for the purpose of your own evaluation. 

They are not meant to be an all-encompassing list or the most definitive list.  Additionally, the ordering of the questions does not mean an order of significance or importance because they came from sources of all racial ethnicities. 

Assuming you live in a place that there is more than one ethnicity then judge yourself on your responses.  Some questions have required some explanation because myopic view points and ignorance.  Lastly, remember that Satanic Forces use many weapons to destroy society along with Christians. 

Racism is definitely one of the greatest weapons of Satanic Realm!

# Question Correct answer
1 Do you have friends of other ethnicities that you do social activities with outside of your work environment? As an example, these are friends who you regularly go to dinner with, watch sporting events with, go to their homes and study the Bible with.  Yes
2 Do you believe your ethnicity is superior than specific other ethnicities in certain areas?  This can be something such as a belief or thought that a ethnicity is the best in management, a specific sport or smarter. No
3 Do you believe a specific ethnicity should be given special benefits because of the past wrongs done to the ancestors because of their ethnicity such as slavery?  This is difficult for some people but consider the consequences of unfairness if one person gets anything at the expense of another ethnicity when the person paying the expense did nothing racial and the benefactor is getting something they did not earn. No
4 Do you feel anger when called a racial word or insult against your ethnicity?  As a Christian, the correct thought we should have is pity for the person saying anything racial wrong because that person is ignorant and is a tool of Satanic Forces.  Feelings of indignation can be thought of as normal but as a Christian we need to remember that Jesus suffered insults and even extreme violence without retaliation.  With great sadness, Satanic Forces are winning in this area when hostile aggregation towards the insulter or damage to private property is done.  Explanations by people doing violence and mayhem over a word has been "I wanted them to pay for all the wrongs in the past done towards my ethnicity", which is extremely wrong and illogical since one person is never responsible for anyone else's actions especially their whole ethnicity group.  Any and ALL negative words must never be punishable by violence or destruction!  By doing anything violent or destruction of property actually creates more violent thoughts and potentially future violence of revenge and discrimination.  Retaliation against another ethnicity over racists words proves that the person doing retaliation has racists thoughts or is a racist.  The rhetoric question is "are you putting yourself in the place of Judge, Jury and Executioner?"  Remember in Romans 12:19 that God says vengeance is mine ... "It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord."   No
5 Do you feel that someone in another ethnicity is getting their just rewards of poverty, poor health or lack of employment? No
6 Do you not give a tip at a restaurant or any service industry because you are being served by someone of another ethnicity? No
7 Do you talk differently to someone of another ethnicity because you feel suspicion, fear or think about what someone of that ethnicity has done to others in your ethnicity in the present or the past. No
8 Do you think someone of another ethnicity is not going to be able to do the same job that others do in another ethnicity? No
9 Do you think one person in prison should get a lighter sentence or a worse sentence of time because of their ethnicity? No
10 Do you think civil disobedience is justified against the private property of others regardless of the owner's ethnicity because of racial wrongs done in society? No
11 Do you think it is okay to give special privileges to one minority ethnicity group and not to another minority ethnicity group? No
12 Do you think there should be an end to special privileges such as Affirmative Action in the future when there is evidence of clear diversification?  This does not mean the end of laws against racism or equal opportunity. Yes
13 Affirmative action was and is necessary in many places in the world for every ethnicity.  Do you think it should only be given to one ethnicity group even if there are other minority ethnicity groups?   No
14 Do you think an ethnicity group who may be in the majority in one area but the minority in another area is not eligible to Affirmative Action?  Do you think if a majority ethnicity group who becomes a minority racial group is not eligible to Affirmative Action? No
15 Do you treat all peoples of all ethnicities equally and also do not condemn or punish anyone of another ethnicity to additional penalty when they do something wrong because of their ethnicity? Yes
16 Do you treat all peoples of all ethnicities equally and also do not give someone of your ethnicity additional benefits or money because they are in your ethnicity? Yes
17 While you treat all peoples of all ethnicities equally but you intentionally do not associate with one specific ethnicity? No
18 Do you get upset when you see people in another ethnicity dominating a business or a sporting area?   Note: While the media does not show it, there are many CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, Captains of Industry, Entrepreneurs who are minorities in their countries but they are often masked by the media. Think about it for a moment along with searching on the internet and you will come up with a long list.  Obviously, nothing in this world is ever going to be fair and balanced.  Satanic Forces want to use it to cause strife, violence and mayhem.  No
19 Do you find yourself always in favor of a sporting figure because he or she is of your ethnicity? No
20 Do you get upset when you see other ethnicities doing well in a sporting completion area which has usually been dominated by your ethnicity? No
21 Do you call someone of another ethnicity a racist if you think they treated you unfairly or disagree with your politics when you truly know their opinion has nothing to do with ethnicity thoughts? No
22 Do you blame racism when you are terminated from a job when you truly know it was because the company had to let you and/or others go because revenues were down or your performance was not acceptable to the required performance definition of your position? No
23 If you are in a minority ethnicity group, do you think you should be protected from losing your job even when the company has to terminate jobs because revenues are down so only people of the majority ethnicity should be terminated.  No
24 Do you want the same penalties for hate crimes and hostile ethnicity comments along with actions in the workplace applied to all ethnicities?  Hate crimes are any type of crime done against another ethnicity because the victim is another ethnicity of the assailant.   Hostile ethnicity comments along with actions in the workplace is verbal derogatory expressions denoting anything against an employee's ethnicity where actions are physical or employment punitive abuse based on ethnicity.  Note that sometimes these problems can occur against people of the same ethnicity towards each other. Yes

What to read next?

(1) Communism and Socialism vs. Democracy with Additional Thoughts and Clarity on Fascism, (2) Media's effect on Racism, Cultural and Christian Prejudice, (3) Liberalism and the arguments used, (4) Racism, (5) Cops Kill by Race? (6) Illegal Immigration - USA and Mexico with those who cross into the USA illegally