Water as part of a Healthy Lifestyle

Created Date: 11-May-2016


Last updated: 11-May-2016

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This is one topic that should not require any elaboration but sadly it does.  It is absolutely essential to get reacquainted with the need for us all to get our daily requirements for a healthy lifestyle.  Too many people have substituted water with sodas or energy drinks to their detriment with possible far reaching health risks in their future. 

Depending upon your age and your size, there are specific minimums that you need to be aware of which is out of the scope of this webpage.  Consult your Doctor for specifics.  A general guideline offered on many websites is men need 13 cups per day and women need 9 cups of water per day.

Here is a list of some of the roles of water in our health:

1 Water contains minerals, electrolytes that are essential to our body.
2 Water is a solvent to break down food
3 Water is used in the carrying of nutrients and blood cells around the body.
4 Water is essential for every organ in our body to function
5 Water is used in the elimination of waste in our bodies
6 Water is essential for our brains to function
7 Water is required to regulate our body temperature

If you are drinking diet drinks, then here are some reasons to stop:

1 A 11-year long study by Harvard Medical School of more than 3000 women concluded that diet cola increased the risk of Kidney decline.  This is when a woman drank more than two per day where the cause was the artificial sweeteners being the suspected causing agent.
2 One diet soda a day is theorized as causing a one third higher risk of metabolic syndrome which is linked to increased belly fat, high cholesterol and heart disease.
3 Many studies already concluded that Diet Sodas actually do the opposite and can increase waistlines by up to 500%
4 Alcoholic Drinks using diet sodas can make you drunker according to one study out of Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia.  This caused by the sugar free mixers more easily enable the liquor to enter our bloodstreams.
5 Diet Sodas often contain mold inhibitors that are named in the ingredients as "sodium benzoate" or "potassium benzoate".  (Research at this time indicates Coke and Pepsi do not have these two.)  These two substances are linked to the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria.
6 Diet Sodas have an acidic pH of 3.2 and can damage the enamel of teeth.
7 Some Diet Sodas are coated with endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA) with has been linked to obesity, reproduction problems and heart disease.

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