Other Books Mentioned

Create Date: 11-Apr-2021

In the Bible

Last updated: 11-Apr-2021

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The scriptures have several mentions of other Books.  We do not have copies of these books, albeit a proposed copy of the Book of Jashar which most Biblical Scholars state is contrived.

These are the five major book references in the scriptures that we do not have copies:

  1. The Books were opened in Revelation 20:12, where one of them is the Book of Life.   (Notice that Books is plural, more than one.)
  2. The Book of Jashar in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18.
  3. The Book of Wars of the Lord in Numbers 21:14 - 15.
  4. The Books on Seven Divisions in Joshua 18:9.
  5. The Book with Seven Seals in Revelation 5:1.

The established Inspired Books of the Bible are listed on the link reference.  Note that there is also a Christian denomination that recognize the Apocrypha books, but most Christian denominations do not recognize the Apocrypha as Inspired by the Holy Spirit, albeit there is verses that honor God. 

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